BREEAM and EcoHomes Cost Advice

  • Cost and strategy advice.

Asset Management

  • Plant and equipment condition reporting, residual life and replacement cost analysis.

Change Management

  • Managing and accurately forecasting change orders together with preparation and settlement of final accounts.

Due Diligence

  • Evaluation on cost and value together with performance monitoring.

Design Appraisal and Auditing Services

  • Working with Engineers to develop and implement the correct and most ‘cost effective’ solution at the ‘right’ time.

Whole Life Cost Analysis

  • Cost appraisal options based on whole life as opposed to lowest capital cost.

Renewable Energy Technology and Sustainability

  • LZC Option Analysis and Appraisals
  • Economic viability & Payback Analysis
  • BREEAM Cost Advice
  • EcoHomes Energy Appraisals

































Energy Management

  • Energy Efficiency Analysis and Benchmarking
  • Monitoring and Targeting
  • Energy Efficiency Initiatives
  • BREEAM Cost Advice

Value Engineering and Management

  • Evaluation of alternative installations adopted throughout the various project stages, allowing ‘best value’ solutions to be implemented.

Benchmarking and Project Evaluation

  • Cost comparison and evaluation, establishing any project abnormals.

Cost Planning and Management

  • Structured and informative cost estimating with a clear and unambiguous delivery and understanding of the approach taken, together with any assumptions made, allowing an open and collaborative approach from design team members.

Strategic, Integrated and Innovative Cost Advice

  • Facilitating the delivery of value, risk and contingency management together with the implementation of new concepts and ideas including, sustainable and  environmentally friendly solutions.
Energy on Drawing

MEP Cost Consulting Limited

Tel: 0131 208 6875